When you first consider writing articles for magazines - the big, impressive glossy magazines that everyone knows first comes to mind. Who wouldn't love to pad their writing portfolio with clips in Time magazine?
But, there's a lucrative career to be had by saavy writers who know that writing for trade magazines is often where the great - and great paying - assignments are to be had. No matter what your hobbies or passions - be it fly fishing or hunting, Nascar races or cooking classes - there is very likely a trade magazine that deals with that very topic. And remember that editors of magazines are ALWAYS on the lookout for new writing talent (yes, that means YOU) to fill their pages with written content. They need articles, and so you are an asset to those editors.
A great way to begin is to create a long list of all your interests and hobbies. From there, research each one online with a simple Google search. Here are a few to try:
1. Restaurant trade magazine
2. Banking trade magazines
3. Day trading trade magazines
The ideas are literally endless! So, what is a trade magazine and how does it differ from the glossy mags we know and love on the newsstands? The defintion of a trade magazine is a magazine with editorial content of interest to someone in a particular industry or profession. Trade magazines are therefore of interest to anyone in a certain trade, or field of business.
Contacting the editors of a trade magazine may sometimes be even less intimidating than contacting those at the glossies. The editors at trade magazines don't get nearly as many contacts or query letters, so your email or letter will stand out. (And don't worry - most editors are accustomed to receiving email queries. Very few will be bothered by receiving them, and for us underpaid writers, it's a great relief to not have to spend our precious dollars on stamps!)
A quick Google search for trade magazines will also unearth some interesting publications you've never heard of. There are literally thousands of magazines that are being published and that need editorial content - so get searching, and start submitting some new query letters! Onward and forward, paid writer.